Marcia Yudkin’s "Marketing Minute"

I believe it was Mandy Becker from Swagger Gifts who forwarded me a copy of Marcia Yudkin‘s “Marketing Minute” that got me interested enough to subscribe to her weekly email series for marketers and business-owners. (Of course, since it’s a free service, it’s not too in-depth and always precedes a pitch about her marketing consulting services, but I see absolutely no problem with that.)

My favorite thing about the weekly eNewsletter is that it literally only takes about a minute to read but definitely makes me think a little more “outside the box” when it comes to marketing and, more often than not, spurs some thought and creativity about an area of marketing that I had not previously thought too much about. The topics are almost always translatable to any industry, too.

To subscribe, just visit her website here.

To give you a taste, today’s topic was about answering or responding to any concerns your customers may have, before they even arise. If you put yourself in your target audience’s shoes and provide any support you may need ahead of time, you gain some great credibility by calming those concerns in advance and showing that you clearly understand their role as well as yours in the business-customer relationship. Check it out in more detail on her “This Week’s Issue” page. (Note: It doesn’t seem to be updated from last week at the moment, but I can’t imagine it’ll be too long before she updates it.)

Lisa Jeffries Nobling

Posted by Lisa Jeffries Nobling

A good old-fashioned Southern girl - at home in the modern world.