Personal Peeve: Facebook Fakers

It makes me cringe when I get a “friend request” from a business, organization, or association. I cringe less significantly when it’s a group, but there’s still a little sting.

This is a classic case of jumping right in without a little doing research.

Those who would take a little time to explore facebook and learn about its features would have learned a few things that would make them appear less “new” at this social networking game:

1. Profiles are for people. How in the world can I really be “friends” with an organization? I can be a fan, but not a friend. 9 times out of 10, unless it’s something or someone I really care about, I deny the request until the group can get it together and make a page.

2. Pages give you “insights”, which are facebook’s versions of watered-down analytics. That’s valuable info my friends, not to be tossed by the wayside lightly.

3. The number one reason I don’t want to “friend” you or join your “group” is because I don’t want you poking, writing on my wall, or messaging the heck out of me. That’s what updates are for, and when they’re sent out in their rightful place, they’re received with higher effective rates.

So please, stop making yourselves look so ridiculous.

Also, from what I hear… they make you pay to create a profile as a non-personal entity. Throwing away money on something they’re giving away for free are we? Bad form.

/rant. Thanks for letting me vent!

Lisa Jeffries Nobling

Posted by Lisa Jeffries Nobling

A good old-fashioned Southern girl - at home in the modern world.

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One Reply to “Personal Peeve: Facebook Fakers”

  1. tou-freakin-ché! the next time i get one, i will respectfully decline and send them the link to this particular blog. (:

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