The Next Post Won’t Be About Twitter…


But this one will be, simply because one of my recent “tweets” (posts on twitter) garnered a lot of attention and feedback.

My Initial Posts:
ncsulilwolf: 60% of Twitter users don’t hang around.
ncsulilwolf: The original report about Twitter Quitters is here:

Tagged Responses:
DeirdreReid: Here’s my take on that – RT @ncsulilwolf: 60% of Twitter users don’t hang around.

CommunityMGR: RT @ncsulilwolf: The original report about Twitter Quitters is here:

zacktm: RT @ncsulilwolf 60% of Twitter users don’t hang around.

flipfloplisa: I bet the didn’t follow cool people like I do- RT @ncsulilwolf: The original report about Twitter Quitters is here:

Deirdre’s blog is a great read. IMHO (in my humble opinion), a 40% adoption rate is not cause to abandon twitter. In fact, in the internet world… I’d say that’s pretty darn successful.


Twitter is not for everyone. Neither is facebook. Or email. It doesn’t mean they can’t be valuable tools though that can contribute added value as part of an integrated marketing communications plan.

(Plus, I’d like to think that one day, the spammers and non-value adding twitter-users will make up a good portion of that 60% that end up jumping ship.)

Lisa Jeffries Nobling

Posted by Lisa Jeffries Nobling

A good old-fashioned Southern girl - at home in the modern world.