Local Business Spotlight: Creative Re-Branding from TS Designs

A very cool company based out of Burlington, NC, the TS Designsabout” page notes:

Among all the renewable energy structures, natural landscaping, and water-saving facilities, it’s easy to miss the answer to the question: what does TS Designs DO?
We print and dye t-shirts!

While that may not seem as sexy as a tracking solar array or biodiesel, we have a passion for making the best damn shirt you’ve ever worn.

They’ve launched a re-branded campaign to help illustrate the difference between their lines… in a manner consumers would easily recognize:
Not bad, huh? You can leave them some love on their blog if you like it, too!

Lisa Jeffries Nobling

Posted by Lisa Jeffries Nobling

A good old-fashioned Southern girl - at home in the modern world.