What Have I Done?

When writing my professional credentials, bios, or even just introductions, I don’t know why I keep having these blank thoughts. I have done A LOT.

But I’ve yet to really chronicle it well.

Adrianne’s post on the idea of a “Career Log” inspired me to share an idea I’ve been tinkering with for some time now – chronicling all of the “hats I wear” (if you know me, you know there are A LOT).

If nothing else I’ll start keeping a spreadsheet, text file, or presentation (more on this at the end of this post) of all the “hats I’ve worn” and what has been entailed with each, accomplishments, what I could’ve done better, and what I’ve learned.

That way, it’ll just be a copy and paste thing in the future when I need to reference it, or for goal building.

PS – On this “presentation” thought, I’ve recently started archiving things by topic in PowerPoint presentations. Maybe it’s a result of going to college in a tech-sector in the early 2000’s. For me, it helps to put together a logical order and keep my info succinct, but allow room for connecting references (ie: weblinks, pictures, quotes), etc.

Lisa Jeffries Nobling

Posted by Lisa Jeffries Nobling

A good old-fashioned Southern girl - at home in the modern world.

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One Reply to “What Have I Done?”

  1. I have always tried to figure out a way to explain to others what I do. I’ve yet to come up with anything good.

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