Oh Twitter

Thoughts for Tuesday:

Curious and cantankerous, Steve dived into social media and started making delightful observations about his experience on Twitter. He recently sent me this comment about a power user he had started to follow: ‘His constant, not-so-subtle harangue to get word of mouth going about his new start-up have made me very skeptical of Twitter … so easy to be maudlin, so easy to pollute.’

I had a simple answer for Steve: Quit following the annoying bastard. Let’s not forget that technology gives us both the power to connect and the power to pull the plug.” – Death by a Thousand Tweets, Phil Johnson

SUCH a good perspective on Twitter. I mentioned in the article’s comments that I rarely echo sentiments on social media word for word with others, but Phil hit the nail on the head for me.

Take five minutes to read his post. Not only is it a quick read, but also a must read.

Lisa Jeffries Nobling

Posted by Lisa Jeffries Nobling

A good old-fashioned Southern girl - at home in the modern world.